Aldagram Inc.

With the mission “Unlock Your Value.”, we provide Software as a Service for mobiles and computers called “KANNA”, which is a solution for deskless workers operating principally in construction, real-estate and manufacturing industries.

Company Name: Aldagram Inc.
Country: Japan
Profile: Data & Cloud, Business Software
Social Media:
Booth no. : B06

Company Profile:

With the mission “Unlock Your Value.”, we provide Software as a Service for mobiles and computers called “KANNA”, which is a solution for deskless workers operating principally in construction, real-estate and manufacturing industries.

We will work together to create a sustainable and productive platform, unleashing the craftsman’s true abilities which were suppressed by the older and rigid systems into a society where the skills of world-class craftsmen are fully utilized.

Our Solutions/Product Highlight:

Our service “KANNA” is a project management solution designed to improve the efficiency of onsite workstreams. KANNA maximizes task productivity by reducing the friction between office work, movement, and stakeholder communication and is optimized for ease of use on mobile devices. Widely supported across industries, KANNA has been adopted by customers in multiple international markets. Currently, more than 12,000 companies have used KANNA for construction process/progress management and KANNA has the highest rating in Japan with the ”4.5” App store rating as of 7th October 2022

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