Blue Communication

Blue Communication Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in coding education industry that leads the future of the 4th industrial revolution. Blue Communication, established in 2013, launched its coding education brand “AsomeIT” in 2018 and developed coding education curriculum and teaching tools through physical computing. Students, teachers, and parents who find coding difficult and complex can easily learn and teach coding, and can develop creativity and logical thinking through coding.

Company Name: Blue Communication
Country: Republic of Korea
Profile: Smart Solutions & IOT
Social Media: 
Booth no. : E26

Company Profile:

Blue Communication Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in coding education industry that leads the future of the 4th industrial revolution. Blue Communication, established in 2013, launched its coding education brand “AsomeIT” in 2018 and developed coding education curriculum and teaching tools through physical computing. Students, teachers, and parents who find coding difficult and complex can easily learn and teach coding, and can develop creativity and logical thinking through coding.

Our Solutions/Product Highlight:

AsomeIT is a coding education brand that helps develop creativity and problem-solving skills. It induces interest through play and experience and instills confidence through intuitive coding practice. Students can easily learn coding through physical computing coding teaching aids and learner-centered coding platforms that assemble and control themselves. It provides professional, dense curriculum and diverse educational know-how that are proven in the field of actual education.

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