Darwin Precisions Corporation

Darwin Precisions Corporation was founded in 1989, has more than 30 years of manufacturing experience in the field of optoelectronics, and holds a number of R&D patents in Europe, America, Japan and China. We continually improve our high-end optical components and fine metal mask technology in a spirit of pragmatism, providing our customers with the highest level of quality and service.

Company Name: Darwin Precisions Corporation
Country: Taiwan
Profile: Smart Solutions & IOT
Website: https://www.darwinprecisions.com/en

Booth no. : E16

Company Profile:

Darwin Precisions Corporation was founded in 1989, has more than 30 years of manufacturing experience in the field of optoelectronics, and holds a number of R&D patents in Europe, America, Japan and China. We continually improve our high-end optical components and fine metal mask technology in a spirit of pragmatism, providing our customers with the highest level of quality and service.

Our Solutions/Product Highlight:

System Integration
Smart transportation technology provides customers or commuters with timely and effective real time traffic information transmitted through the integration of software and hardware to display devices via a cloud data platform. Examples include the real-time relay of airplane take-off and landing data, train arrivals, and bus waiting times to locations at airports, train stations.

Smart retail involves digitally managing logistics to improve efficiency, analyze customer behavior and carry out other functions. Darwin provides a number of smart retail display solutions designed to enhance the consumer’s retail experience, including POS machines and electronic signage services that carry out real-time consumer behavior analytics and management including product advertising. Improving the buying experience increases brand value.

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